Brewing up Trouble
Above: before conservation
This type of bronze pot was common during the 13-15th c. and was used for cooking. This particular example, found near Dunkeld, came to us mostly in a good shape. The robust bronze body has held well over the centuries, albeit with the help of few barely visible previous conservation repairs. However the iron handle has started to show some signs of corrosion, which needed to be addressed.
Above: previous conservation infill on the rim of the cauldron (left) & signs of corrosion on the handle (right)
Our conservators gently removed the surface corrosion from the handle using glass bristle brushes, and treated the metal with an inhibiting product to prevent further corrosion issues in the future.
Above: conservator at work reducing corrosion on the handle (left) & the handle after conservation (right)
Finally, in order to disguise areas where the paint had chipped away from the the previous conservation infills, these areas were given a quick brush with microcrystalline wax tinted with pigment.
Above: post conservation