Andrew Morrison  MA (HONS) Msc FSA Scot

Project Officer (post-excavation)


Originally from Canada, Andrew moved to Scotland to undertake a Masters in Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh, where he graduated with honours. Following this, Andrew gained valuable experience in post-excavation and Scottish archaeology whilst volunteering in the National Museums of Scotland Archaeology department. Andrew then worked as a Site-Assistant in commercial archaeology while studying part-time at the University of Glasgow, where he received his MSc in Museum Studies in 2013, specializing in artefacts and material culture. From 2012 to 2017, Andrew worked for Addyman  Archaeology, first as a Site-Assistant, then as a Project Archaeologist, and later, Post-Excavation Manager. During his time at Addyman, Andrew gained extensive experience in all aspects of archaeological fieldwork, post-excavation, and reporting, including: undertaking walk-over surveys, archaeological evaluation and excavation, watching-briefs, building recording, and the production of desk-based assessments, environmental impact assessments, and data structure reports. As post-excavation manager, Andrew oversaw and managed all aspects of the post-excavation process including: artefact analysis and the production of specialist reports, as well as liasing with both artefact specialists and clients.

Andrew joined AOC in August of 2017, acting as post-excavation officer, mainly undertaking the analysis and reporting of artefacts and archaeological assemblages. In this role, has completed the analysis of several assemblages of medieval metalwork such as that from Millennium View in Coventry, as well as assemblages of post-medieval glass and iron from various sites in Edinburgh including Potterow and Caltongate.  

Andrew has extensive fieldwork experience in British Columbia, Belize, Romania, Scotland, and England, and his research interests include:  the early medieval period, Viking and Norse archaeology, and artefact theory amongst others.