Giuseppe Castelli BSc MSc MPhil PhDc

Project Manager

Giuseppe has been working in commercial archaeology for over 10 years. After his post-graduate studies, he worked as a researcher, archaeologist and osteologist for a number of archaeological companies, universities and museums throughout Italy (2012 - 2016) and United Kingdom (2017 - onwards). Most of these experiences involved both field and laboratory work, with a special focus on the excavation and recording of archaeological features and inhumations, report writing, 3D imaging and post-excavation osteological analysis including biological profile interpretation. His research interests lie in the assessment of anatomical structures in the human fossil record and their morphology in relation to function. This also involves the observation of micron-level details by means of synchrotron tomography.

Before joining AOC Archaeology as a Project Manager in 2022, Giuseppe worked on several sites of archaeological and palaeoanthropological interest, including settlements, cemeteries and rock shelters spanning from Prehistoric to Medieval periods and ran large open area excavations and trial trench evaluations in the Midlands and Southern England. Over the course of his career, he has also contributed to numerous research projects carried out at the Museum of Sciences in Trento (MUSE) and Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies in Cambridge (LCHES). In addition to the Project Manager role at AOC Archaeology, he collaborates with the Palaeoanthropology Lab and Duckworth Lab in Cambridge where he is responsible for micro-CT, surface scanning and segmentation of archaeological and anthropological samples, geometric morphometrics, statistical and shape analysis, practical clas-ses, supervision of researchers, 3D printing and students training. Giuseppe has an active publication record and joined many seminars and academic fieldwork projects/apprenticeships based at the University of Ferrara, Institute of Legal Medicine in Milan, University of Pisa and Bologna.