Kat Stasinska BA MA

Site Assistant

After graduating, Kat started working in a fieldwork for Wessex Archaeology. She participated in digs on several number of sites, including excavation in Southampton city centre and causeway enclosure in Datchet, as well as Roman sites in Northamptonshire (HS2 project).

Kat joined AOC Archaeology in 2022, as a part of post excavation team based in Milton Keynes. She is mostly responsible for performing the flotation process, as well as marking and storing artefacts.

Kat is passionate about experimental archaeology, especially textile related crafts. She performed and recorded several spinning, weaving and dyeing experiments.


Stasinska, K. 2020. Farbowane tekstylia we wczesnośredniowiecznej Polsce (Dyed textiles in Early Medieval Poland). Trzciniec : Nine Realms

Stasinska, K. 2021. Before They Dyed. Mordants and Assists in the Textile Dyeing Process in Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Scandinavian Britain: An Experimental Approach. EXARC Journal, 2021/4 [online] Available at: <https:// exarc.net/issue-2021-4/at/before-they-dyed>

Stasinska, K. 2023. Z for warp, S for weft. Investigating Choices of Yarn in English Medieval Textiles. Presentation at 13th Experimental Archaeology Conference #EAC. Available at: <https://youtu.be/Qcjc-X2kucs>