Leonie Teufel BSC, MSc (Hons)
Project Officer
Leonie joined AOC Archaeology in 2017 after having completed her Masters in Practical Archaeology with University of the Highlands and Islands. She first started working with the Geophysics team where she undertook magnetometry and resistivity surveys for large linear infrastructure projects such as HS2, A9 and A96 Dualling. In October 2018 she joined the AOC Inverness office where she worked on small to medium scale excavations, evaluations and watching briefs, such as Kingsteps-Nairn, Dalmore, Craggan Grantown on Spey. She has also been undertaking Archaeological Clerk of Works roles on large scale infrastructures job such as the A9 dualling for GI and other contractors. In recent years she has worked on and supervised a range of SMS and watching brief sites on EWR2 and HS2 where she was responsible for the day to day running of sites including directing machines, surveying and supervising the excavation team. In 2022 Leonie worked as a team lead for the A9 Dualling: Tomatin to Moy trial trenching and site lead for the mitigation phase. This project utilised a new in-house digital recording system which enabled a quick turn around time on reports. Leonie is responsible for training and developing staff including early career professionals and recent graduates. She worked as a supervisor for University of Glasgow on their 2019 field school, the Cochno Environs Project.
Before her work with AOC she has worked as a supervisor, surveyor or excavator on a range of research projects such as the SERF project (University of Glasgow); The Craw Stane Rhynie and Tap O’ Noth Rhynie (University of Aberdeen); Iona (University of Glasgow); the Cairns Brooch (University of the Highlands and Islands). Her involvement with these research projects comprised a mix of excavation and geophysical survey as well as training students and volunteers on how to carry out a range of archaeological field techniques.
Teufel, L. and Williamson, S. 2020. Erection of Housing Development Phases 5A and 5B on Land 200M, SE of Alness Academy, Dalmore Archaeological Watching Brief, Data Structure Report. AOC unpublished report.
Teufel, L. 2020. Erection of a Distillery and Associated Infrastructure on Land 350m SE Of Lower Gaich, Craggan, Grantown-on-Spey Archaeological Watching Brief Data Structure Report. AOC unpublished report.
Roy, M. and Teufel, L. 2020. Land 350m SE of Lower Gaich, Craggan, Grantown-on-Spey, Highland: Watching Brief Post Excavation Research Design. AOC unpublished report.
EWR Alliance, 2021. East West Rail Phase 2 Development Stage 2B3: Winslow Station Car Park, East of Furze Lane, North of Line, Buckinghamshire Archaeological Strip, Map and Sample Report PXA. EWR Alliance unpublished report.
EWR Alliance, 2021. East West Rail Development Stage 2B2: 2B0180/8.1/FB Work Access and Construction at Land East of Verney Junction, Buckinghamshire Archaeological Watching Brief and Strip, Map and Sample Report. EWR Alliance unpublished report.
EWR Alliance, 2021. East West Rail Phase 2 Development Stage 2B1: 2B0080/5.2/FH Flood Alleviation Area at Land East of Queen Catherine Road, Buckinghamshire Archaeological Watching Brief Report. EWR Alliance unpublished report.
EWR Alliance, 2021. East West Rail Phase 2 Development Stage 2B2: 2B0097/5.2/FH Flood Alleviation Area at Land North of Queen Catherine Road, Buckinghamshire. EWR Alliance unpublished report.
EWR Alliance, 2021. Development Stage 2A2: 2A0326/5.2/FH (West) Flood Alleviation Area at Land West of Station Road, Oxfordshire (CFSA A2) Post-Excavation Assessment. EWR Alliance unpublished report.
Teufel, L. 2021. Powerpoint Presentation Given to the Grantown Historical society; Archaeological work for Gordon & Macphail Distillery on Land SE Of Lower Gaich, Craggan, Grantown-on-Spey.
EWR Alliance, 2021. East West Rail Phase 2 Development Stage 2A4: 2A0278/5.2/FH Flood Alleviation Area at Land East of Poundon, Buckinghamshire Post-Excavation Assessment. EWR Alliance unpublished report.
EWR Alliance, 2021. East West Rail Phase 2 Development Stage 2B2: 2B0332/5.2/FH Flood Alleviation Area at Land North-East of Verney Junction, Buckinghamshire Archaeological Watching Brief Report. EWR Alliance unpublished report.
Teufel, L. 2022. Rediscovering the multi-period landscape of Kingsteps, Nairn, Highlands. Article.