Steven Watt MA (Hons), MSc, FSA Scot

Project Officer


Since completing his Masters at the University of Glasgow in 2014, Steven has worked on a variety of archaeological projects throughout Scotland and England. He has conducted a number of large scale watching briefs as well as medium to large scale evaluations and excavations since joining AOC. He particularly enjoys learning and utilising modern recording methods such as GPS plans and photogrammetry while also maintaining traditional techniques.

In 2015 Steven led a small team in the excavation of a Victorian charnel house with medieval remains and medieval burials as part of the redevelopment of the Aberdeen Art Gallery. The project is currently in its post-excavation phase with aims of future publication.

More recently Steven has also led the rescue excavation of an Iron Age souterrain on the Isle of Lewis, as well as conducting an excavation as part of the Historic Environment Scotland Human Remains Call-Off Contract in Horgabost, Isle of Harris. He has also supervised on larger urban industrial sites in Sheffield and aided in many community archaeology projects. In early 2019 Steven conducted a evaluation and excavation of a multiperiod settlement site and Bronze Age cist cemetery leading a relatively large team.

Steven has also acted as Archaeological Clerk of Works for the initial ground investigation works ahead of the Sherrifhall Improvement Works, Edinburgh City Bypass. As well as this he was Team Leader as part of the enabling works for trial trenching and mitigation works as part of HS2.

Key Projects

2015: Greenan, Ayr: Monitored topsoil strip uncovering complex prehistoric landscape incl. settlements 

2015-2016: Aberdeen Art Gallery Redevelopment excavation of medieval remains and Victorian charnel house

2017: Human Remains Call-Off Contract Horgabost Burial – Publication Forthcoming

2018: Excavation of prehistoric roundhouse and associated features at Kingside Farm, Leadburn

2018: Sherrifhall Improvement Works Archaeological Clerk of Works

2018: Excavation of an Iron Age Souterrain at Knockaird, Ness, Isle of Lewis

2018: HS2 enabling works Trial Trenching

2019: Evaluation and Excavation of a multiperiod settlement site and cist cemetery in Angus