Victoria J Oleksy   BA (Hons) MA (Distinction) 

Associate Director
Project Manager (Consultancy)


Victoria joined AOC Archaeology in early 2006 following the completion of her MA in Historical Archaeology and volunteering with the Institute of Archaeology in Belize. Victoria’s work with AOC has included a wide range of consultancy projects throughout Scotland and England. This work has included preparing Environmental Impact Assessments, Desk-based Assessments and Conservation Management Plans, advising clients and consulting with a variety of other professionals. In last two years Victoria has overseen the growth of the Consultancy Sector, which has doubled.

Victoria has undertaken planning inquiry work since 2011 and given both written and oral evidence in relation to this.  In 2014 & 2018 she appeared as an expert witness at the hearings for the called-in planning application for Hyndford Quarry Extension, Lanark. 

Planning Inquiry Work (2011-present)

Longburn Wind Farm (2013‐Present): Production of Cultural Heritage Assessment to form appendix to the Statement of Appeal.

Hillhead of Auquhirie (2015‐2016 Lands Tribunal Hearing): Production of Expert Cultural Heritage Report, review of opposition Expert Reports, and attendance at hearing to provide oral evidence as an expert witness (including cross‐examination)

Tom Nan Clach, Repowering (2014‐2016 Inquiry by Written Submissions): Production of ES Chapter and Cultural Heritage Input into Statement of Appeal and Response to PARF.

Hyndford Quarry, Lanark (2011‐2017) (Hearing): Settings Assessment; Production of Expert Statement; Attendance as expert witness at hearing. In 2017 production of further environmental information for the second call‐in.

Barnwell Manor Wind Farm, Northants (2011‐2014 Inquiry undertaken by full Inquiry Session): Production of Further Environmental Information; Input into Proof of Evidence; Attendance at Inquiry in supporting role; continued advice to client throughout Judicial Review and subsequent appeal.

Outh Muir Wind Farm, Fife (2014): Technical Review of previously submitted heritage assessments and Historic Scotland comments; Production of additional assessment and formation of a significant mitigation proposal. Production of the Cultural Heritage Statement as an annex to the Statement of Appeal

Watford Lodge Wind Farm, Northants (2011 Inquiry undertaken by full Inquiry Session): Production of Further Environmental Information; Input into Proof of Evidence; Attendance at Inquiry in supporting role.

Whitton Wind Farm, Scottish Borders (2013‐2014 appeal by Local Review Committee Hearing): Production of Cultural Heritage Chapter for Application for Local Review; Production of Appeal Hearing Statement; evidence given at hearing as part of Expert Witness Team with John Barber

Technical Reviews & Production of further assessments/rebuttals following objections from statutory heritage consultees (2010‐present)

Ingliston Farm Turbine (2013): Review of previous heritage assessment and production of setting assessment following Historic Scotland Objection

Covenanters Field, Bothwell (2013): Assessment of impact upon Inventoried Battlefield at Battle of Bothwell Bridge following Historic Scotland Objection; production of two rebuttals focused on Historic Scotland comments.