X-Ray Vision

Our conservators use X-radiography frequently. It allows our finds specialists to identify objects that are very corroded, and it helps our conservators to get a clearer idea of the original shape of an object where corrosion needs to be removed. Can you tell from the X-ray what the objects shown below are? We’ll reveal all beneath the image…!


Conservator Rowan has numbered the objects to avoid mixing them up. The triangle before the number denotes that these are small finds. Objects 17 is an arrowheads. Object no 8 is a buckle, and number 9 is a forged iron buckle hoop and pin.

Some of these objects, the belt buckles in particular, were so corroded before excavation that the original shape of the object was no longer identifiable.  Using the x-ray as a guide, the corrosion layer was carefully removed using an air abrasive machine to reveal the original surface.


An Elegant Accessory


Iron Works in Progress