Community Archaeology on Moredun Top
AOC has been working with Tay Landscape Partnership at Moncreiffe Hill since 2014. Earlier this year we supported Tay LP and Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust in undertaking another season of public excavation at the hillfort of Moredun Top.
Four trenches were excavated, located over potential features within the hillfort which were identified via topographic survey of the hillfort itself. Areas for investigation were selected based on previous work. Two adjacent circular features in the upper citadel area and one smaller slightly out with this area were target for investigation, as well as a larger circular stone feature uncovered during test-pitting in 2015 and a pond area to determine nature and construction of the pond feature.
In the three excavation trenches evidence of the structure and use of the hillfort was revealed. In the upper area of the hillfort, two structures were identified, along with rubble and collapse material. A wall with two defined courses was also exposed, which may have formed a boundary to the upper area. Associated artefacts included shale bracelet fragments and rough-outs, prehistoric pottery and coarse stone tools.
The smaller circular feature comprised an alignment of rough stone rubble and collapse material with associated prehistoric pottery and slag material within the stone. A small area of wall with two defined courses was uncovered in a sondage across the northern edge of the trench.
Within the largest trench was a monumental circular stone feature, built into the bedrock lying within a larger lower enclosure. A defined entranceway of 2.5m wide was revealed with large amounts of burnt material enclosed within. The artefact assemblage associated with this feature included a stone lamp, lintel stone with possible pivot hole, cup marked stones, shale bracelet fragments and prehistoric pottery.
The artefact assemblage of coarse stone tools, pottery and metal objects, matched with the nature of the features investigated, supports activity spanning from the Iron Age to early historic period.
Tay Landscape Partnership is supported by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund.