A Window Through Time: Recording Past Renovations at Gladstone’s Land
Detailed internal survey of an historic six-storey, 17th century tenement house in Edinburgh’s historic Old Town, on behalf of National Trust for Scotland
Bronze Age Burials at Carnoustie
A series of cists were among the features uncovered on a complex, multi-period site in Angus
A Medieval Bishop's Palace in Ancrum?
Excavations in the Scottish Borders with Ancrum and District Historical Society
Glimpses of Medieval Aberdeen and its People
Excavations at Aberdeen Art Gallery have yielded a wealth of information about life in the medieval city
Early Medieval Dalmeny
New evidence for early medieval occupation at historic Dalmeny, Edinburgh
Landscape Survey on Conchra Estate, Kyle of Lochalsh
Walkover survey ahead of new woodland creation on Conchra Estate, Kyle of Lochalsh
News from Current Work at India Buildings, Edinburgh
Updates from our excavations at India Buildings, in the heart of Edinburgh's historic Old Town
An Early Medieval Enclosure at Rhynie, Aberdeenshire
AOC's Cathy MacIver has been working with Dr Gordon Noble and colleagues since 2012, excavating a 5th-6th century palisaded enclosure
Tarradale Through Time: Medieval & Mesolithic
Community archaeology with North of Scotland Archaeology Society
Exploring the Legend of Banquo near Lochaber
AOC supported Lochaber Archaeological Society in investigating an avenue thought to have been a ceremonial approach to Tor Castle
Exploring the Structural Development of Falkland Palace
In early 2016, AOC undertook a programme of dendrochronology, aiming to date a selection of the surviving original timbers
Glen Tromie: Traces of the History of a Shooting Estate
Detailed landscape survey revealed numerous abandoned post-medieval settlements and previously unknown shieling settlements
Recording Raasay House Pictish Cross Slab
Photogrammetry and laser scanning of an exceptional example of early historic art
Behind the Ivy: Kirkton Old Church, Burntisland, Fife
AOC Archaeology Group's survey has significantly furthered the understanding of Kirkton Old Church through detailed measured survey and on-site record and analysis, as well as some preliminary historical research. Surviving 12th/13th century churches are few in number and, as it is one that was abandoned early, shows very few major alterations to its layout after the 17th century apart from those blockings associated with the burial aisles.
Aberlady Angles Community excavation: Anglo-Saxon Evidence from East Lothian
In April and May AOC Archaeology Group worked with Aberlady Conservation and Historical Society and the local community to excavate a series of features in the village Glebe Field. These features were argued to relate to the Anglo-Saxon era (7th-10thC).
Medieval Clothes From The Canongate
AOC Archaeology Group was commissioned by New Waverley Advisers to carry out archaeological investigations at East Market St, Edinburgh in advance of a hotel development. The work, completed in early 2015, revealed a length of what is thought to be the medieval ditch surrounding the borough of Canongate. The ditch had been backfilled with old midden material, including food remains, pottery and metalwork. Analysis of the pottery has provided the dating framework for the construction and use of the ditch; the ditch was probably dug in the 13th century or earlier and was backfilled, probably in the late 15th century. The lowermost deposits in the ditch had become waterlogged and consequently objects made of organic materials such as leather, textile and wood had also survived. Analysis of some of these objects suggests that the contents of a wardrobe may have been thrown into the ditch along with other household debris. These include a wool garment and leather shoes.
We're delighted to announce the publication of a major programme of excavation, post-excavation analysis and historical research of the Anglian monastic settlement of Auldhame…
Historic Building Recording of Magdalen Tower, Stony Stratford
AOC undertook a comprehensive programme of photographic recording at Magdalen Tower, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes
Excavations at Greenan: from Mesolithic to Post-medieval
In the summer of 2015, AOC carried out excavations at Greenan, Ayrshire, which revealed evidence of eight thousand years of human occupation
New Lodge, Bank Mill Lane, Berkhamsted
Excavations and HBR at New Lodge expored the medieval adn post-medieval landscape of historic Berkhamsted, Herts.